Posted by : AnakBulan Saturday, 20 September 2008

20 September 2008, pagi hari dikala kepala tengah berdenyut..
Hari ni cuaca mendung sejak dari pagi lagi..entah kenapa aku juga terasa 'mendung' sama dengan cuaca hari ini..tak tau nak posting apa..disebabkan rasa tak tau nak posting apa, di sini ada sedikit titipan istimewa khas buat teman-temanku...sama-sama kita hayati..bak kata sahabat sejati, bila sahabat ketawa kita sama ketawa, bila sahabat menangis kita sama menangis dan bila sahabat pening kita sama-sama ke..jadi, sama-samala menemani sahabat yang tengah pening dek kerana banyak tugasan ni..huhu

iWM- 3rd Phase codding

Option Explicit

Dim X0, X1, X2, X3 As Integer
Dim load As Single

Dim Y0, Y1, Y2, Y3 As Integer
Dim dirt As Single

'define r as row and c as column'
Dim r, c, counter As Integer
'variable for FAM Table
Dim minValues(1 To 3, 1 To 3) As Integer
'Variable for dimensional array
Dim minValue(1 To 9) As Double
Dim loaded(1 To 9), dirts(1 To 9) As Double

Dim cvLight, cvMedium, cvHeavy, cvLess_Dirty, cvDirty, cvVery_Dirty As Double

'Variable Declaration for subroutine fuzzy_defuzzyfication
Dim rule(1 To 9) As String
Dim actual_time(1 To 9) As Double

Private Sub Command1_Click()

If Combo1.Text = "" Then
MsgBox "Please choose your 'Load' for your cloth in kg"
Exit Sub
End If

If Combo2.Text = "" Then
MsgBox "Please choose your 'Dirt' for your cloth in degree"
Exit Sub
End If

'Fuzzification for Load'
Call Fuzzification_Load

'Fuzzification for Dirt'
Call Fuzzification_Dirt

'for call Famtable'
Call FamTable1

'for call defuzzyfication
Call Fuzzy_defuzzyfication
End Sub

Private Sub Fuzzification_Load()

'define Combo1.Text as Load'

X0 = 4
X1 = 6
X2 = 8
X3 = 10

'Zone 1
If load < cvlight =" 1" cvmedium =" 0" cvheavy =" 0">= X0 And load < cvlight =" (X1" cvmedium =" (load" cvheavy =" 0">= X1 And load < cvlight =" 0" cvmedium =" 1" cvheavy =" 0">= X2 And load < cvlight =" 0" cvmedium =" (X3" cvheavy =" (load" text =" cvLight" text =" cvMedium" text =" cvHeavy">= X3 Then
cvLight = 0
cvMedium = 0
cvHeavy = 1

Text1.Text = cvLight
Text2.Text = cvMedium
Text3.Text = cvHeavy

End If

End Sub

Private Sub Fuzzification_Dirt()

'define Combo2.Text as Dirt'
dirt = Val(Combo2.Text)


Y0 = 20
Y1 = 30
Y2 = 70
Y3 = 80

' Zone 1
If dirt < cvless_dirty =" 1" cvdirty =" 0" cvvery_dirty =" 0">= Y0 And dirt < cvless_dirty =" (Y1" cvdirty =" (dirt" cvvery_dirty =" 0">= Y1 And dirt < cvless_dirty =" 0" cvdirty =" 1" cvvery_dirty =" 0">= Y2 And dirt < cvless_dirty =" 0" cvdirty =" (Y3" cvvery_dirty =" (dirt">= Y3 Then
cvLess_Dirty = 0
cvDirty = 0
cvVery_Dirty = 1

End If

End Sub

Private Sub Command2_Click()

Combo1.Text = ""
Combo2.Text = ""
Text1.Text = ""
Text2.Text = ""
Text3.Text = ""
Text4.Text = ""
Text5.Text = ""
Text6.Text = ""
Text7.Text = ""
Text8.Text = ""
Text9.Text = ""
Text10.Text = ""
Text11.Text = ""
Text12.Text = ""
Text13.Text = ""
Text14.Text = ""
Text15.Text = ""
Text16.Text = ""
Text17.Text = ""
Text18.Text = ""
Text19.Text = ""
Text20.Text = ""
Text21.Text = ""

End Sub

Private Sub FamTable1()

'read from input'
Text7.Text = Text1.Text
Text8.Text = Text2.Text
Text9.Text = Text3.Text

Text10.Text = Text4.Text
Text11.Text = Text5.Text
Text12.Text = Text6.Text

Text7.Text = cvLight
Text8.Text = cvMedium
Text9.Text = cvHeavy

Text10.Text = cvLess_Dirty
Text11.Text = cvDirty
Text12.Text = cvVery_Dirty

'need one array to hold confidence value for Load'
loaded(1) = cvLight
loaded(2) = cvMedium
loaded(3) = cvHeavy

'need one array to hold confidence value for Dirt'
dirts(1) = cvLess_Dirty
dirts(2) = cvDirty
dirts(3) = cvVery_Dirty

'looping to calculate min for row and column'
counter = 0
For r = 1 To 3
For c = 1 To 3
counter = counter + 1
minValues(r, c) = Min(loaded(r), dirts(c))
Next c
Next r

minValue(1) = Min(dirts(1), loaded(1))
minValue(2) = Min(dirts(2), loaded(1))
minValue(3) = Min(dirts(3), loaded(1))
minValue(4) = Min(dirts(1), loaded(2))
minValue(5) = Min(dirts(2), loaded(2))
minValue(6) = Min(dirts(3), loaded(2))
minValue(7) = Min(dirts(1), loaded(3))
minValue(8) = Min(dirts(2), loaded(3))
minValue(9) = Min(dirts(3), loaded(3))

'display min value'
Text13.Text = minValue(1)
Text14.Text = minValue(2)
Text15.Text = minValue(3)
Text16.Text = minValue(4)
Text17.Text = minValue(5)
Text18.Text = minValue(6)
Text19.Text = minValue(7)
Text20.Text = minValue(8)
Text21.Text = minValue(9)

End Sub

Function Min(loaded, dirts)
Min = loaded
If (dirts < min =" dirts" uppercoa =" 0" belowcoa =" 0" z0 =" 20" z1 =" 30" z2 =" 40" z3 =" 50" i =" 1" actual_time1 =" z0" actual_time2 =" z3" actual_time1 =" z1" actual_time2 =" z2" j =" 1" uppercoa =" upperCOA" belowcoa =" belowCOA" crispminval =" upperCOA" text =" crispMinVal">

*** Codding not full..selamat memeningkan kepala dengan codding ni..saya budak baru belajar, kalau salah tolong tunjukkan...

4 Responses so far.

  1. memang confirm pening...
    &)*&0_$_(&#^Q*)&GJ B)**)&$>:<@!%*%.....

  2. Anonymous says:

    knp kami ndk diajar pun ini koding2 semua.. apa funsinya nya ni kak? blh ka dicopy pg laman web kami?

  3. AnakBulan says:

    hmmm..sila2 testing to u too

Siapa AnakBulan?

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Sahabat AnakBulan

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